Angka 2

Numbers 2

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1. Forty  (40)

Empat puluh

2. Fifty  (50)

Lima puluh

3. Sixty  (60)

Enam puluh

4. Seventy (70)

Tujuh puluh

5. Eighty  (80)

Delapan puluh

6. Ninety  (90)

Sembilan puluh

7. One hundred (100)


8. One thousand (1,000)


9. Ten thousand (10,000)

Sepuluh ribu

10. One hundred thousand (100,000)

Seratus ribu

11. One million (1,000,000)

Satu juta

12. Ten million (10,000,000)

Sepuluh juta

13. One hundred million (100,000,000)

Seratus juta

14. One billion (1,000,000,000)

Satu milyar

15. Ten billion (10,000,000,000)

Sepuluh milyar

16. One hundred billion (100,000,000,000)

Seratus milyar

17. One trillion (1,000,000,000,000)

Satu trilyun

18. Ten trillion (10,000,000,000,000)

Sepuluh trilyun

19. One hundred trillion (100,000,000,000,000)

Seratus trilyun

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