1. On
Di atas / pada
2. Under
Di bawah
3. Out
Di luar
4. In
Di dalam
5. Across
Di seberang
6. Through
7. Below
Di bawah
8. Near
9. Along
10. In front of
Di depan
11. Behind
Di belakang
12. Next to
Di sebelah
13. Up
Ke atas
14. Down
Ke bawah
15. Far from
Jauh dari
16. Close to
Dekat dari
17. To the left of
Di sebelah kiri
18. To the right of
Di sebelah kanan
19. At the top of
Di sebelah atas
20. At the bottom of
Di dasar
Di atas / pada
2. Under
Di bawah
3. Out
Di luar
4. In
Di dalam
5. Across
Di seberang
6. Through
7. Below
Di bawah
8. Near
9. Along
10. In front of
Di depan
11. Behind
Di belakang
12. Next to
Di sebelah
13. Up
Ke atas
14. Down
Ke bawah
15. Far from
Jauh dari
16. Close to
Dekat dari
17. To the left of
Di sebelah kiri
18. To the right of
Di sebelah kanan
19. At the top of
Di sebelah atas
20. At the bottom of
Di dasar
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dengan Berita
Man says exploding Samsung Galaxy burned down...
A Hong Kong resident has claimed that his Samsung Galaxy S4 exploded and caught fire in his hands. He then threw the flaming phone onto his flammable sofa, causing it to catch fire as well. This then caused his entire house to burn down....
A Hong Kong resident has claimed that his Samsung Galaxy S4 exploded and caught fire in his hands. He then threw the flaming phone onto his flammable sofa, causing it to catch fire as well. This then caused his entire house to burn down....