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1. Public company

Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN)

2. Private company

Perusahaan swasta

3. Limited Liability Company

Perseroan terbatas (PT)

4. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Pejabat eksekutif tertinggi

5. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Kepala bagian keuangan

6. Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Kepala bagian IT

7. Chief Operational Officer (COO)

Kepala bagian operasional

8. Chairman


9. President


10. Vice president

Wakil presiden

11. Board of Directors

Dewan komisaris

12. Board member

Anggota dewan

13. Share holder

Pemegang saham

14. Shareholder Meeting

Rapat pemegang saham

15. Headquarters

Perusahaan pusat

16. Founder


17. Executive

Direktur eksekutif

18. Non-executive director

Direktur non-eksekutif

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