on 19 Januari 2015.

Apple Releases Guide for Android Users Who Want to Switch to iPhone Langhub.com

In anticipation of the launch of the new iPhone 6, Apple has released a document to help those with Android smartphones to migrate their data to the iPhone. The document gives step-by-step instructions about how Android users can easily move data such as e-mail, contacts, calendars, photos and more to the iPhone using a new app called Copy My Data. Following Apple's announcement recently of the release of new larger-screened "phablet" iPhones, analysts said they expect a large amount of users of Android phones, such as Samsung and LTE, to switch to the iPhone platform. After the announcement of the new phones, Apple said it had processed more than 4 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus pre-orders on the first day of pre-launch sales, doubling the previous iPhone 5 pre-order record set in 2012.
Mac Rumors

Kata-kata penting:

In anticipation of = untuk mengantisipasi
migrate = memindahkan
step-by-step instructions
= petunjuk langkah-demi-langkah
= (phone+tablet)
Pre-launch = penjualan perdana

Apple Releases Guide for Android Users Who Want to Switch to iPhone

APPLE membuat panduan bagi pengguna Android yang mau beralih ke iphone

In anticipation of the launch of the new iPhone 6, Apple has released a document to help those with Android smartphones to migrate their data to the iPhone.

Untuk mengantisipasi peluncuran iPhone 6 baru, Apple telah membuat dokumen panduan untuk membantu mereka yang menggunakan smartphone Android untuk memindahkan konten data mereka ke iPhone

The document gives step-by-step instructions about how Android users can easily move data such as e-mail, contacts, calendars, photos and more to the iPhone using a new app called Copy My Data.

Panduan ini memberikan petunjuk langkah demi langkah untuk pengguna Android dengan mudahnya memindahkan beragam konten seperti email, kontak, kalendar, foto, dan lainnya ke iPhone dengan menggunakan aplikasi baru bernama Copy My Data.

Following Apple's announcement recently of the release of new larger-screened "phablet" iPhones, analysts said they expect a large amount of users of Android phones, such as Samsung and LTE, to switch to the iPhone platform.

Setelah Apple baru saja mengumumkan bahwa segera dirilis iPhone berlayar lebih besar “phablet”, beberapa analis mengatakan bahwa kemungkinan banyak penguna Android seperti Samsung dan LTE akan beralih ke iPhone.

After the announcement of the new phones, Apple said it had processed more than 4 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus pre-orders on the first day of pre-launch sales, doubling the previous iPhone 5 pre-order record set in 2012.

Setelah pengumuman telepon baru ini, Apple mengatakan bahwa mereka telah memproduksi lebih dari 4 juta iPhone 6 dan 6 Plus pre-orders pada hari pertama penjualan perdana, jumlah berganda dibandingkan iPhone 5 yang diluncurkan sebelumnya pada tahun 2012.

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