on Rabu, 04 September 2013 17:00.

Flamboyant former U.S. basketball star Dennis Rodman will travel to Pyongyang in North Korea for a five-day visit, his second trip this year to the reclusive Asian country. Rodman last traveled to Pyongyang in March to meet with leader North Korea leader Kim Jong-un. Kim is a basketball fan and appeared to get along well with Rodman on the earlier visit, with the two of them pictured laughing, eating and drinking together and watching an all-star basketball game. Some had speculated that Rodman was returning to North Korea to help secure the release of Kenneth Bae, an American missionary who was recently sentenced to 15 years of hard labour for plotting to overthrow the state. However, Rodman said his trip was just "another basketball diplomacy tour."
The Telegraph

Kata-kata penting:

flamboyant = flamboyant (cara berpakaian/ perilaku flamboyan)
reclusive = khususnya
get along with
= mudah bergaul
all-star game
= permainan olahraga dimana semua pemainnya adalah bintang.
= misionaris (dalam agama Kristen)


on Minggu, 01 September 2013 17:00.

A 40-year-old British woman has given birth to a girl weighing 6.2 kilos, the biggest baby ever born naturally in Spain. Maxime Marin delivered the baby a on Wednesday in the Mediterranean city of Denia. Both the baby - named Maria Lorena Marin - and the mother were doing well after the birth, although the newborn remains in the neonatal care unit. Larger babies are often delivered via caesarean section.

Kata-kata penting:

natural-birth = melahirkan secara normal
delivered = melahirkan
Mediterranean city
= kota mediterania
neonatal care unit
= inkubator di ruangan neonatal
caesarean section
= operasi cesar


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