on 10 September 2013.



Taking a drag from an e-cigarette may be just as safe and effective as using a nicotine patch for smokers struggling to quit, according to new research. The study found that about one in 20 people who used either patches or e-cigarettes managed to quit completely six months after the test started. Also, users of electronic cigarettes were more likely to have cut their use of real cigarettes in half, even if they didn’t quit entirely. Some analysts said that the study results will allow health professionals to feel better about recommending e-cigarettes to smokers, or at least condoning their use. The study's authors said the e-cigarettes are an effective way to help people quit smoking because they replicate a lot of the ritualistic behavior people have about smoking: getting a cigarette out, putting it in their hands, touching it, and the sensation of smoke in their lungs.


Kata-kata penting:

e-cigarette = rokok elektronik adalah inovasi rokok modern, alat menyerupai rokok menggunakan baterai untuk membakar cairan nikotin dan uapnya masuk ke paru-paru pemakai.
taking a drag = menghisap rokok
nicotine patch
= koyo nikotin
= memaklumkan
ritualistic behavior
= perilaku ritual (perilaku melakukan urutan kegiatan atau ritual)



E-Cigarettes May Be as Effective as Patch to Help Smokers Quit

E-Cigarette (Rokok elektronik) mungkin Sama Efektifnya dengan Koyo Nikotin untuk membantu berhenti merokok

Taking a drag from an e-cigarette may be just as safe and effective as using a nicotine patch for smokers struggling to quit, according to new research.

Menghisap rokok dari rokok elektronik mungkin sama efektifnya dengan koyo nikotin untuk perokok yang sedang berusaha untuk berhenti, menurut sebuah penelitian

The study found that about one in 20 people who used either patches or e-cigarettes managed to quit completely six months after the test started.

Studi ini menemukan bahwa satu dari 20 orang yang menggunakan koyo nikotin maupuk rokok elektronik berhasil berhenti merokok selama enam bulan penuh setelah tes tersebut dimulai.

Also, users of electronic cigarettes were more likely to have cut their use of real cigarettes in half, even if they didn’t quit entirely.

Selain itu, pengguna rokok elektronik juga lebih mungking untuk mengurangi konsumsi rokok biasa hingga separuh, walaupun mereka tidak berhenti total.

Some analysts said that the study results will allow health professionals to feel better about recommending e-cigarettes to smokers, or at least condoning their use.

Beberapa analis juga mengatakan bahwa hasil studi ini akan memperbolehkan ahli kesehatan untuk merasa lebih baik merekomendasikan rokok elektronik ini kepada perokok, atau setidaknya memaklumi jika perokok menggunakan produk ini

The study's authors said the e-cigarettes are an effective way to help people quit smoking because they replicate a lot of the ritualistic behavior people have about smoking: getting a cigarette out, putting it in their hands, touching it, and the sensation of smoke in their lungs.

Penemu studi ini mengatakan bahwa rokok elektronik adalah cara yang efektif untuk membantu menghentikan kebiasaan merokok karena metode ini meniru perilaku ritual tentang merokok: mengeluarkan rokok, menaruhnya di tangan mereka, menyentuh dan merasakan sensasi asap di paru-paru mereka.

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