Vegetables Sayuran 1. Beans Buncis 2. Bean sprouts Taoge 3. Potato Kentang 4. Sweet potato Ubi 5. Cucumber Timun 6. Tomato Tomat 7. Spring onion Daun bawang 8. Onion Bawang 9. Celery Seledri 10. Corn Jagung 11. Cabbage Kol 12. Chile pepper Cabe 13. Mushroom Jamur 14. Pumpkin Labu 15. Lettuce Selada 16. Carrot Wortel 17. Garlic Bawang putih 18. Asparagus Asparagus 19. Cauliflower Kembang Kol 20. Eggplant Terong Copyright© Belajar Inggris. No part of this text can be reused for profit.