Restaurant Phrases Kalimat di Rumah Makan 1. Table for two please. Tolong siapkan meja untuk dua orang. 2. Can I have a menu please? Bisa saya lihat menu? 3. I would like to order pasta. Saya mau pesan pasta. 4. Do you have beer? Ada bir? 5. Do you have any specials today? Ada menu spesial hari ini? 6. What do you recommend? Ada saran untuk pesan apa? 7. This glass is dirty, can I please have another? Gelas ini kotor, boleh saya minta yang lain? 8. This food is too spicy. Makanan ini terlalu pedas. 9. This food is too cold. Makanan ini terlalu dingin. 10. This food is too hot. Makanan ini terlalu panas. 11. Can I have more ice please? Bisa minta tambah es? 12. Cheers! Cheers! 13. This is delicious. Ini lezat. 14. Where is the bathroom? Di mana kamar mandi? 15. Please make the food a little bit spicy. Tolong buat makanan agak lebih pedas sedikit. 16. Please do not make the food spicy at all. Tolong buat makanan jangan pedas sama sekali. 17. How much does it cost? Berapa harganya? 18. Can I have the bill please? Bisa minta bon? 19. Is the tip included? Apakah sudah termasuk tip? 20. The service was very good. Thank you Pelayanannya memuaskan. Terima kasih. 21. I'm allergic to nuts Saya alergi kacang 22. I'm allergic to seafood Saya alergi makanan laut 23. I do not eat pork Saya tidak makan babi 24. I am a vegetarian Saya vegetarian 25. do you have halal food? Ada makanan halal? Copyright © Belajar Inggris. No part of this text can be reused for profit.