Economics 3 Ekonomi 3 1. Foreign-direct investment Investasi asing langsung 2. Emerging economies Ekonomi berkembang 3. Third-world country Negara berkembang 4. Developed country Negara industri maju 5. Housing market Pasar perumahan 6. Supply-side economic theory Teori penawaran 7. Demand-side economic theory Teori permintaan 8. Savings Tabungan 9. Income tax Pajak pendapatan 10. Value-added tax (sales tax) Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) 11. Multiplier effect Efek ganda 12. Productivity Produktivitas 13. Group of Seven Grup tujuh 14. Foreign-exchange rate Kurs valuta asing 15. Downturn Gerakan menurun 16. Upswing Gerakan ke atas 17. Bull Economy Kenaikan ekonomi 18. Bear Economy Penuruan ekonomi 19. Poverty Kemiskinan 20. Money Supply Uang beredar Copyright © Belajar Inggris. No part of this text can be reused for profit.