Around Town 2 Sekitar Kota 2 1. Food stall Kedai makan 2. Coffee shop Warung kopi 3. Bar Bar 4. Night club Klub malam 5. Library Perpustakaan 6. Business office Perkantoran 7. Embassy Kedutaan 8. Gas station Pom bensin 9. House Rumah 10. Roundabout Bundaran 11. Convenience store Toko serba ada 12. Store Toko 13. Book store Toko buku 14. Toy store Toko mainan 15. Candy store Toko permen 16. Furniture store Toko mebel 17. Cafe Café 18. Internet Cafe Internet café 19. Park Taman 20. Street vendor Pedagang kaki lima Copyright © Belajar Inggris. No part of this text can be reused for profit.